Conversation With A Narcissist: 12 Things To Look Out For

The Narcissists Secret Weapon-Know Your Enemy – How to deal with narcissists

Borderline Personality Disorder, Psych, Female, male, Cluster B


Female Narcissist, Gas Lighting, Manipulation, Sociopath, Borderline, Empath, INFJ, Psychology

Yes, The Narcissist Hates You

The emotion at the heart of narcissism….

Female Narcissist, Gas Lighting, Manipulation, Sociopath, Borderline, Empath, INFJ, Psychology

Narcissistic Abuse: Lying & Lies

Female Narcissist, Gas Lighting, Manipulation, Sociopath, Borderline, Empath, INFJ, Psychology


The #Abusive #Communication #Traits of #Narcissists#Sociopaths#Borderlines and all #Maladaptive #People with a #ClusterB#PersonalityDisorder



Gaslight: Down the Rabbit Hole



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Cheers, The Foxy Lady!!!

Surviving The Smear Campaign, How to Protect Yourself…

Surviving The Smear Campaign, How to Protect Yourself…