
UrbanVixen Clothing was inspired with the athletic female in mind. Julie, a passionate snow enthusiast and adventurist from Washington State, sought out to emphasize a rebellious attitude, style, and sex appeal. 270205_531169900241514_946307284_n

UrbanVixen and what it symbolizes:

Urban meaning: Characteristic of or accustomed to cities; citified: He is an urban type. The word gradually emerged in this sense as urbane became restricted to manners and styles of expression.

Vixen meaning: A Female Fox.

Soon a Slogan was also created: The Female Fox with a Rebellious Attitude!!!

9521_1197965158967_4283536_nThe UrbanVixen logo is a fox perched up with a huge bushy tail. The tail was an idea of pow flying off the back of a snowboard. Soon enough this became the UrbanVixen logo. This logo is now identified in any sport meaning, you are just having a great time, flying by the seat of your pants, and enjoying the moment in the great outdoors. This can be pow from your snowboard or skis, water from your wakeboard, dirt from your dirt bike, smokey asphalt from drifting, or any other hard core activity. This logo represents the rebellious female fox inside of all of us; be whatever it is that you enjoy in life.

UrbanVixen is the sister company to Mountain Junkie. We believe it is important to help maintain and sustain a happy and healthy lifestyle for our bodies and our planet. We will be giving back to organizations that help to promote and practice healthy lifestyle living.

We’d like to give a shout out to all you FEMALE FOXES out there. We hope you are as excited about this new and growing brand as we are.

CHEERS, The Foxy Lady…


Keep Up & Become a Fan on FaceBook at the UrbanVixen Clothing Fan Page

Founded in 2007 by, Norsby Dezigns

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Cheers, The Foxy Lady!!!