Whole hemp seed is high in oil and fiber, and it also contains B vitamins, vitamin E, trace minerals, and phytosterols, which are compounds that work in the intestine to lower cholesterol absorption. But it is the protein in hemp seed that is important for muscle. Whole hemp seed contains up to 33 percent protein, with more essential fatty acids than any other plant source. Hemp protein is composed of the proteins albumin and edestine, with a structure similar to proteins manufactured in your blood. Hemp is also free of anti-nutrients in soy, compounds that can interfere with protein uptake, and hemp is more easily digested than soy protein.
When you remove the hull of the seed you are causing several detrimental effects to the nutritious whole seed. The main detriment is that you lose the hull, an excellent source of minerals but more importantly, a rare source of insoluble fibre, something that we get very little of in our modern diets. You can use the hull of the hemp seed to gently cleanse your colon and flush toxins from your intestinal tract. It is an excellent source of a type of fibre that is not found in our diets because of over processing of foods.
Ten Reasons to Eat Hemp Seeds:
- Hemp seeds are one of the only plant-based complete proteins. They contain all eight essential amino acids, those that your body cannot make and must be ingested.
- Hemp hearts have been shown to increase levels of energy without other stimulants like caffeine and sugar. They provide more energy with less fillers, like sugar and saturated fat, than common energy bars.
- Hemp seeds contain the highest percentage of Essential Fatty Acids in the entire plant kingdom.
- Approximately 25 percent to 30 percent of hemp seed weight is dietary fiber in the forms of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
- A rich source of phytonutrients, the disease-protective element of plants with benefits protecting your immunity, bloodstream, tissues, cells, skin, organs and mitochondria.
- Hemp is the oldest food known to mankind. Hempseed oil contains 54.4% linolenic acid (Omega-3), 18.3% linoleic acid (Omega-6), 2-5% gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and 1-2% stearidonic acid; and as such is one of only 4 oils to do so: hemp oil is also the most economical of the group.
- Hemp is an extremely hardy plant that doesn’t require pesticides or herbicides to grow.
- Hemp planting reduces deforestation and improves the soil upon which it is grown. All products made solely from hemp fibre are biodegradable, compostable and recyclable. As such, they are easy on landfills.
- Hemp seed flour has a fiber content of 40 percent, which is the highest of all flour grains.
- Hemp seeds are delicious with a slightly sweet (low glycemic), creamy with rich nutty, buttery and heavy cream flavors.
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